Angry Young Vijay

Let's Change the Society, 70's Style !!!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Yet another terror strike....yet another spineless response..

So now they have shown that they won't really stop at anything. Professors, teachers, Universities too are not to be spared.

I just want to ask our honorable PM a couple of questions:

1) Who is responsible for the security and lives of Indian citizens ?
2) Ayodhya terror attack, Srinagar, Delhi and now Bangalore. Please let us know what has been done to prevent such attacks in future.
3) Has any progress been made in bringing the people responsible for killing innocent Indians in the past few months to justice?
4) If yes, what?
5) Why is it that some deranged barbarians continue to find killing Indians a very easy task which they go about doing at will?

And a couple to our pseudo intellectuals, though all they are capable of is intellectual masturbation expounding armchair theories on human rights and unfairness of strict anti terror laws like POTA and TADA:

1) Why do only terrorists have human rights?
2) Why does the life of innocent Indians seem to be worth less than the road dust in which their blood spills ?
3) Why does no one get up to raise voice against massacres of innocent people in the name of freedom struggle ?
4) Where is a certain Ms Setalvad ?

Please, Mr Prime Minister, do something before these sub humans drag us to the medivial age where they belong to and want to bring everyone else to. Also, pls realise that if the country ceases to exist, you too will and all that you derive your power from too will.

May God give us some spine.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Are we really any better than Taliban

a) Meerut Police pushes, punches, slaps and kicks young boys and girls sitting together in a public park.
b) VHP and Bajrang Dal do the same to couples every Feb 14, ostensibly, to protect Indian culture.
c) Khushboo is dragged to court for just exhorting people to have safe sex.
d) Sania Mirza has to retract/apologize/be dismissive about her advice to young people to have safe sex.

And then we claim ideological superiority to those medivial age barbarians that call themselves Taliban.

Indian culture was never for collective stupidity dictating individual decisions. Vedic culture was always for freedom, free thinking, logic and flexibility. Come to think of it, people who claim to be the custodians of Indian culture are the ones who actually endanger it.

I am pained, for if these hooligans, whether in Khaki or in saffron or in the form of the Mufti who asks the raped daughter-in-law to treat her husband as her son are the representatives of my culture - I fall in the same category as those who say that women should wear burkas and men should sport beards and those who do not follow this deserve to be killed.

The oft repeated adage is that all that it takes for evil to win is for the good to not do anything. The youth should rise and tell all these custodians of culture to shove their deifnition of Indian culture up theirs. Our time has arrived and we are for freedom, flexibility and the liberty to choose.

You cannot Talibanise India for you do not own it. It is the land of the free and no self righteous moralists can take it hostage.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

How can they drop a God ???

Ganguly has again been dropped.

And it has been a national tragedy. The pens are out again with all sorts of theorizations ranging from emotional outbursts to outright ridiculous hallucinations and denials. Infact, some imaginative mind has even questioned the nation status of India - We really are many different nations and the enemity between them is worse than what once was between whites and blacks in the west. Ok. Water please.

The most frequent argument thrown in his favour is that Ganguly has been the most successful Indian captain, he led us to several glorious moments in cricket, has scored more than 10,000 runs in one dayers, has so many centuries and even his test record is great. His past has been great so how can we humiliate him by not including him in the team. Very true. Hey, then why not lets call Kapil Dev and Sunil Gavaskar too in the team and why not ask Milkha Singh and PT Usha to run in Olympics - I mean, they too are legends and how can we possibly insult the legends by not giving them the opportunity to compete for the country. More so, since they have done it once, they can always do it again - fitness, application, much deserving young talent, the team's recent winning record are minute details legends could not be bothered with.

To make matters worse, Jagmohan Dalmiya lost the BCCI elections and Ganguly made 40 and 39 runs in the second test. This gives two more sticks to the ultra sentimentals amongst us:
a) Since the BCCI has now become Mumbaiyya, they do not want Ganguly
b) Ganguly has scored, he has made a comeback

The people who throw argument (a) actually do great disservice to the great cricketer that Ganguly once was - by implication this means that so far Ganguly was in the team because the power base of Indian cricket was Kolkata - which is as untrue as it can be.

About the second argument, Ganguly's 40 and 39, though good need to be looked in the context. We have Yuvraj Singh, a young talented batsman who has already has more than his fair share of having to sit outside to accomodate more glorious predecessors. That he got a chance in Kotla test was luck too, Sehwag was ill and middle order slots were already full. He has asserted his presence strongly. We have another very strong contender for middle order in Kaif. These two players if handled well will hold the key to Indian cricket for the next 6-7 years. How justifiable is it to continue keeping faith in the old horses while we have young, hungrier and more willing guys to work hard and show results waiting on the sidelines.

And then to all Chappell baiters - what is the mandate to Chappell - to make Indian team into a cohesive unit performing and producing great results consistently or to worshsip and play to the whims and fancies of the demi gods of Indian cricket?

If it is to make India perform well, Chappell is doing as well as could be done and if it is to worship Gods, well, Pujari Badri Shankar Jha from the temple in Sector 19, Noida would suit better for Indian coach.